A Project of


Kitchen Gardening Seed Kit

Grow Organic | Eat Hygienic



Kitchen Gardening

It's time to use Hi-Genics to produce veggies close to or around the house for use at home. Farmers have developed new strategies to boost per-unit vegetable production in response to the world's population growth and rising vegetable demand. Chemical insecticides and fertilizers are used in this process. Vegetable production has increased at the farm level, but the quality has been negatively impacted. Additionally, the use of sewage water to irrigate vegetables in urban areas has caused major health issues for consumers. Thus, the goal of kitchen gardening is to grow organic, chemical- and pesticide-free veggies for home use.

Make a kitchen garden

Prepare the area.

  1. Kitchen gardens should have rich, fertile soil that is well drained.
  2. Use a shovel or spade to turn over the dirt in the area. If necessary, till the area and break up large clumps of dirt to allow for better drainage.
  3. Amend the soil as necessary by adding compost or topsoil.

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